Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ted Kennedy's older siblings

I have been thinking a lot about Ted Kennedy's natal chart over the last few days. I will restrict myself for now to his 11th house, related to older siblings. It would have to be, one would think, both extraordinary and horribly afflicted. Indeed, this is the case. The ruler of the house is Venus, which is exalted in the sign of Pisces in the 4th house, giving rise to Malavya Yoga (indeed, given the strength of Venus and the 3rd house, one might be forgiven for thinking this is the chart of a famous musician or actor rather than a politician).

This remarkable Venus, however, is conjoined with malefic Rahu. From the second house, Saturn in his own sign aspects not only the afflicted 11th lord Venus but the 11th.

So the lord of the 11th is afflicted by two malefics, one of which casts its eye on the house itself. It would indeed be Saturn's subperiod that would cause his oldest brother Joseph's tragic death. Transiting Saturn and Rahu would conjoin in Pisces in 1968, taking away brother Robert. The beginning of Saturn's major period in 2008 would not only kill him as expected (it is a first class maraka in his chart), but deal a final blow, the death of older sister Eunice.

Even if you leave aside the thought-provoking point that Mercury's subperiods would kill Jack and Kathleen, this 11th house is practically a textbook case in Vedic astrology.

There's a lot more to say about this chart. Too much, really. So I will save it for later posts.

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