Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Milhous Part III
Richard Nixon did not become president on the strength of his 10th alone. If anything, his 10th is rather problematic (in a certain way similar to Al Gore's). The humongous raja yoga in the 5th house of politics was the driver for his career success. The sign on that 5th house is Sagittarius. The lord of that 5th house is powerful Jupiter, residing in his own house, along with the 9th, 1st and 4th lords. It is no surprise then that Jupiter's subperiod, the final one in Saturn's mahadasa, would take him to the presidency.
Mercury forms part of the rajayoga, though it loses a planetary war to 9th lord Mars. That said, the first years of its period were not unkind. In its own subperiod it gave Nixon one of the greatest landslides in American history, despite Watergate.
Then came Ketu's subperiod. Ketu, itself in a house of Mercury, did not cause his resignation. But next up was Venus. The period began on March 29, 1974. On April 16 came a subpoena for the tapes. May 9th saw impeachment hearings begin, and on July 24th came the Supreme Court's 8-0 decision against the President. August 9th would be the last day of the Nixon presidency.
Saturn in the 10th brought Richard Nixon to incredible heights. At the very beginning of its period he would be elected vice president of the United States. But he would then fail to be elected president in 1960 and even governor of California in 1962. But Saturn is known to give delayed results. In its final subperiod Richard Nixon achieved his greatest ambition.
Venus was lord of a 10th house that contained Saturn. And Venus, from the 7th, was itself afflicted by Saturn. His two great presidential defeats, 1960 and 1974, were marked by Venus' subperiod.
Two postscripts. Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage, not the 10th of the profession, even though it is posited in the latter. Ketu sub Saturn would indeed see the death of his beloved Pat.
And a final postscript. Saturn in a kendra house by its nature either produces men of higher Saturnian qualities (seriousness, discipline, responsibility) or criminals. Richard Nixon, of course, was both.
The other president with Saturn in the 10th was our greatest: Abraham Lincoln.
Mercury forms part of the rajayoga, though it loses a planetary war to 9th lord Mars. That said, the first years of its period were not unkind. In its own subperiod it gave Nixon one of the greatest landslides in American history, despite Watergate.
Then came Ketu's subperiod. Ketu, itself in a house of Mercury, did not cause his resignation. But next up was Venus. The period began on March 29, 1974. On April 16 came a subpoena for the tapes. May 9th saw impeachment hearings begin, and on July 24th came the Supreme Court's 8-0 decision against the President. August 9th would be the last day of the Nixon presidency.
Saturn in the 10th brought Richard Nixon to incredible heights. At the very beginning of its period he would be elected vice president of the United States. But he would then fail to be elected president in 1960 and even governor of California in 1962. But Saturn is known to give delayed results. In its final subperiod Richard Nixon achieved his greatest ambition.
Venus was lord of a 10th house that contained Saturn. And Venus, from the 7th, was itself afflicted by Saturn. His two great presidential defeats, 1960 and 1974, were marked by Venus' subperiod.
Two postscripts. Saturn rules the 7th house of marriage, not the 10th of the profession, even though it is posited in the latter. Ketu sub Saturn would indeed see the death of his beloved Pat.
And a final postscript. Saturn in a kendra house by its nature either produces men of higher Saturnian qualities (seriousness, discipline, responsibility) or criminals. Richard Nixon, of course, was both.
The other president with Saturn in the 10th was our greatest: Abraham Lincoln.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Oprah's big moves: an astrological perspective
She's making a big move to cable in two years. Now, it's a bit difficult to make predictions regarding Oprah because I count at least three birth times out there.
Astrodatabank has it at 4:30 am, giving it an "A" ranking, adding that it comes "from memory."
If that is indeed the correct time, that means Oprah is running the period of a strong Sun, which is her 9th lord, forming a humongous rajayoga with 7th/10th lord Mercury and 11th lord Venus and the ever-hungry Rahu. The combination occurs in her 2nd house, which is one of the strongest I have ever seen. The second lord Saturn is exalted... where else, in the house of windfalls, the 11th. It is hardly surprising that this is a billionaire's chart. It's almost as if Oprah's destiny was primarily to be wealthy; fame was just the vehicle to get there, and a by-product once she did.
But the coming 10 year period, beginning 2011, looks a bit problematic. Oprah's Moon rules the 8th and is fallen in the 12th. On the one hand, this produces a type of vipreet rajayoga, where in theory the lord of a bad house is weakened by its residence in another bad house. Oprah's Moon, in addition, is with a strong Mars in its own sign. And it is also true that Ketu's major period, which ran from 1978-1975 was hardly her worst.
Still, the period of a fallen Moon will have its drawbacks; in any case, it is hard to see how it goes better than the Sun's period, which ought to count as one of the best in her life--in particular this year running from the summer of 2009 to 2010, which is the ultimate fruition of her rajayoga: the subperiod Mercury, her 10th lord, during her 9th lord Sun's major period. One could argue that this dealmaking period is the apogee of her career.
My gut feeling is that Oprah will regret giving up that TV show in favor of moguldom in its purest state.
Astrodatabank has it at 4:30 am, giving it an "A" ranking, adding that it comes "from memory."
If that is indeed the correct time, that means Oprah is running the period of a strong Sun, which is her 9th lord, forming a humongous rajayoga with 7th/10th lord Mercury and 11th lord Venus and the ever-hungry Rahu. The combination occurs in her 2nd house, which is one of the strongest I have ever seen. The second lord Saturn is exalted... where else, in the house of windfalls, the 11th. It is hardly surprising that this is a billionaire's chart. It's almost as if Oprah's destiny was primarily to be wealthy; fame was just the vehicle to get there, and a by-product once she did.
But the coming 10 year period, beginning 2011, looks a bit problematic. Oprah's Moon rules the 8th and is fallen in the 12th. On the one hand, this produces a type of vipreet rajayoga, where in theory the lord of a bad house is weakened by its residence in another bad house. Oprah's Moon, in addition, is with a strong Mars in its own sign. And it is also true that Ketu's major period, which ran from 1978-1975 was hardly her worst.
Still, the period of a fallen Moon will have its drawbacks; in any case, it is hard to see how it goes better than the Sun's period, which ought to count as one of the best in her life--in particular this year running from the summer of 2009 to 2010, which is the ultimate fruition of her rajayoga: the subperiod Mercury, her 10th lord, during her 9th lord Sun's major period. One could argue that this dealmaking period is the apogee of her career.
My gut feeling is that Oprah will regret giving up that TV show in favor of moguldom in its purest state.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Milhous Part II
The political life of Richard Nixon is unique for its collection of peaks and valleys. They would come one after another, each success greater than the last, each defeat a descent into a deeper abyss.
Our last post focused on Saturn and Venus. What we find in the last post is that Saturn in the 10th was unafflicted. But that same Saturn afflicted Venus, lord of the 10th, and was also posited in the 10th, making for a textbook case.
Unafflicted Saturn, therefore, was not the cause of disaster for him. He would save his humiliations for Venus' subperiods. And indeed, what we find is that Saturn's major period marked his arrival on the national stage. Saturn's first subperiod, its own, would take Richard Nixon to the vice presidency of the United States. After eight years in the number two job, it was his turn to run for the presidency. But he was up against the charming, charismatic, funny John F. Kennedy. The election fell under Venus' period. Small wonder, then, that he would lose.
He would suffer further humiliation in 1962, when he ran for governor of California and lost, prompting one of the most infamous outbursts in American political history.
Transiting Venus, lord of the 10th, was in the 4th on Election Day. From the 10th, Saturn was aspecting the transiting lord of the 10th. The affliction to Venus once again resulted in political humiliation, the worst of his life... up to that point.
Our last post focused on Saturn and Venus. What we find in the last post is that Saturn in the 10th was unafflicted. But that same Saturn afflicted Venus, lord of the 10th, and was also posited in the 10th, making for a textbook case.
Unafflicted Saturn, therefore, was not the cause of disaster for him. He would save his humiliations for Venus' subperiods. And indeed, what we find is that Saturn's major period marked his arrival on the national stage. Saturn's first subperiod, its own, would take Richard Nixon to the vice presidency of the United States. After eight years in the number two job, it was his turn to run for the presidency. But he was up against the charming, charismatic, funny John F. Kennedy. The election fell under Venus' period. Small wonder, then, that he would lose.
He would suffer further humiliation in 1962, when he ran for governor of California and lost, prompting one of the most infamous outbursts in American political history.
Transiting Venus, lord of the 10th, was in the 4th on Election Day. From the 10th, Saturn was aspecting the transiting lord of the 10th. The affliction to Venus once again resulted in political humiliation, the worst of his life... up to that point.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Mitt Romney
His chart looks good for 2012 (though, truth be told, it didn't look bad at all for 2008, at least during primary season). No data, however, on Tim Pawlenty, his most important rival.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Milhous, Part 1
Today we go to another politician's chart, and we also take a needed break from the subject of death, which has come up a bit too much since the beginning of this blog.
We move, instead to a topic far more unpleasant than the violent death of beloved national leaders: Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States.
One of the advantages of studying famous people's charts is that it's often possible to acquire fairly accurate birth data on them. One of the disadvantages is that we often only know a handful of external events of their lives: marriages, losses and successes. But that's still plenty to go on. In the case of Richard Nixon, the professional losses and successes are epic.
"The professional losses and successes are epic." It so happens that there is planetary placement that epitomizes that phenomenon: Saturn in the 10th house.
Richard Nixon went from being a McCartheyite congressman in 1947 to U.S. Senator in 1951 to Vice President (against Eisenhower's better judgement) in 1953. He would lose the presidential race to John F. Kennedy in 1960. But he would succeed in becoming President in 1968, only to deservedly lose it in 1974.
Today we will look at two placements: Saturn in the 10th and Venus in the 7th house. The seventh house is that of marriage. The 10th is that of the career. The two planets have exchanged houses. That is, Saturn is in the 10th in Taurus (which is ruled by Venus). Venus is in the 7th in Aquarius (which is ruled by Saturn).
These two houses lie in a quadrant from one another. And that is a problem. Saturn sees the 10th house from itself. As a result, the mutual interchange or parivartana yoga also causes an affliction. Saturn sees Venus (in this case within a fairly narrow orb of 4 degrees). Thus there is a double Saturnian effect on the 10th house: Saturn occupies it and also sees its ruler.
This is not the place to explain how this chart could take someone to the presidency, so I will simply note that it takes a whole lot more than Saturn in the 10th which is, after all, a characteristic shared by over 500 million human beings on earth right now. Suffice it to say that this chart is further proof of the enormous role played by the 5th house in politician's horoscopes.
Saturn in the 10th house is not disastrous for the career. It can take you to the peak of a mountain. But there's a good change a swift kick is just around the corner. In the case of Milhous, that happened more than once. Note, however, that Saturn is not an afflicted planet in this chart. It is, rather, an afflicter. Venus, on the other hand, is afflicted.
Saturn as ruler of the house of marriage, indeed introduced Tricky to his long suffering wife at the first available opportunity: Jupiter sub Saturn, in 1940. Within months of the beginning of the 19 year Saturn period, he would become Vice President of the United States.
Saturn being Saturn, however, the kick at the mountaintop was about to come. In 1960 Nixon would run against John F. Kennedy.
We will continue our study of Richard Nixon soon, but we part with a trivia question and a gift: One other U.S. president had Saturn in the 10th. Who was it?
And here is our gift to you, beloved reader.
We move, instead to a topic far more unpleasant than the violent death of beloved national leaders: Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States.
One of the advantages of studying famous people's charts is that it's often possible to acquire fairly accurate birth data on them. One of the disadvantages is that we often only know a handful of external events of their lives: marriages, losses and successes. But that's still plenty to go on. In the case of Richard Nixon, the professional losses and successes are epic.
"The professional losses and successes are epic." It so happens that there is planetary placement that epitomizes that phenomenon: Saturn in the 10th house.
Richard Nixon went from being a McCartheyite congressman in 1947 to U.S. Senator in 1951 to Vice President (against Eisenhower's better judgement) in 1953. He would lose the presidential race to John F. Kennedy in 1960. But he would succeed in becoming President in 1968, only to deservedly lose it in 1974.
Today we will look at two placements: Saturn in the 10th and Venus in the 7th house. The seventh house is that of marriage. The 10th is that of the career. The two planets have exchanged houses. That is, Saturn is in the 10th in Taurus (which is ruled by Venus). Venus is in the 7th in Aquarius (which is ruled by Saturn).
These two houses lie in a quadrant from one another. And that is a problem. Saturn sees the 10th house from itself. As a result, the mutual interchange or parivartana yoga also causes an affliction. Saturn sees Venus (in this case within a fairly narrow orb of 4 degrees). Thus there is a double Saturnian effect on the 10th house: Saturn occupies it and also sees its ruler.
This is not the place to explain how this chart could take someone to the presidency, so I will simply note that it takes a whole lot more than Saturn in the 10th which is, after all, a characteristic shared by over 500 million human beings on earth right now. Suffice it to say that this chart is further proof of the enormous role played by the 5th house in politician's horoscopes.
Saturn in the 10th house is not disastrous for the career. It can take you to the peak of a mountain. But there's a good change a swift kick is just around the corner. In the case of Milhous, that happened more than once. Note, however, that Saturn is not an afflicted planet in this chart. It is, rather, an afflicter. Venus, on the other hand, is afflicted.
Saturn as ruler of the house of marriage, indeed introduced Tricky to his long suffering wife at the first available opportunity: Jupiter sub Saturn, in 1940. Within months of the beginning of the 19 year Saturn period, he would become Vice President of the United States.
Saturn being Saturn, however, the kick at the mountaintop was about to come. In 1960 Nixon would run against John F. Kennedy.
We will continue our study of Richard Nixon soon, but we part with a trivia question and a gift: One other U.S. president had Saturn in the 10th. Who was it?
And here is our gift to you, beloved reader.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Caroline Kennedy, part II
I didn't comment on the timing of President Kennedy's death as seen from Caroline's chart. It was again transiting Saturn that fell right on her Moon (lord of the 9th, symbolizing the father) in the 3rd house, from which it also saw her natal Sun. Meanwhile, Mars transited her 1st house, conjoining Saturn, which was with her Sun (the karaka for father).
One other interesting point. In North Indian astrology, it is the 10th house, not the 9th, that rules the father. To a Northern Indian astrologer, the Sun, then would not only rule the 10th house but of course also be the karaka for the father. Under this scenario, Saturn conjoining the Sun would do three things:
1) Afflict the lord of the 10th
2) Afflict the karaka for the father
3) Afflict the 10th house
That would make it a very pure case for the death of the father. One might argue that the South Indian method works out better in terms of the timing, because of the dual affliction to both the Sun, 9th lord and 9th house by Saturn, supported by the Mars aspected to the karaka.
A North Indian astrologer, however, could equally claim that the transit by Mars to the 1st triggered the violence that would cause the loss indicated by Saturn. A South Indian astrologer might counterargue the Mars transit occurs every two years, and the Saturn transit every 29 years. Either way, what's most striking about this particular case is that both heuristics yield very similar results.
One other interesting point. In North Indian astrology, it is the 10th house, not the 9th, that rules the father. To a Northern Indian astrologer, the Sun, then would not only rule the 10th house but of course also be the karaka for the father. Under this scenario, Saturn conjoining the Sun would do three things:
1) Afflict the lord of the 10th
2) Afflict the karaka for the father
3) Afflict the 10th house
That would make it a very pure case for the death of the father. One might argue that the South Indian method works out better in terms of the timing, because of the dual affliction to both the Sun, 9th lord and 9th house by Saturn, supported by the Mars aspected to the karaka.
A North Indian astrologer, however, could equally claim that the transit by Mars to the 1st triggered the violence that would cause the loss indicated by Saturn. A South Indian astrologer might counterargue the Mars transit occurs every two years, and the Saturn transit every 29 years. Either way, what's most striking about this particular case is that both heuristics yield very similar results.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
One placement, two results
As I wrote about Ted Kennedy two days ago, "It is one of those fascinating things about astrology that the extraordinarily long life of his mother as well as the tragic deaths of his siblings, are symbolized in part by the exact same placement."
Something very similar happens in the case of Caroline.
In studying specific areas of a chart, in this case family members, we look to
1) the house
2) its lord
3) the karaka, or significator of the person in question
Caroline has Scorpio rising, making Cancer the sign on the 9th house cusp. In South Indian astrology, the 9th house is the father (also the guru). The Moon is thus the lord of the 9th. Caroline's Moon is in Capricorn, in the 3rd house.
Unfortunately, this Moon is afflicted not only by Saturn (separation) but by Mars (violence). Jupiter does cast, however, a benefic glance onto the 3rd, but not onto the 9th.
These placements in themselves might be insufficient to kill a family member, but unfortunately the karaka for the father, the Sun, is conjoined with Saturn in the 1st.
(For what it's worth, the Moon and the Sun are afflicted by Saturn in the navamsa chart as well. If the birth time reported for her is exceedingly accurate, it also appears that the 9th lord in Navamsa, Mars, is afflicted by both Rahu and Saturn. Yikes.)
The third house in the natal chart, unfortunately, also symbolizes the younger brother. The house is strengthened by the presence of the Moon as 9th lord. This coupled with the house lord's presence in the ascendent (albeit afflicted by the Sun) would have made him a particularly prominent figure in her life. However, the 3rd house is still afflicted by the two planets that are afflicting the Moon. Finally, the karaka for brothers, Mars, is poorly positioned in the 12th house, and on top of that is afflicted by Rahu within 3 degrees orb.
The Moon's affliction in the 3rd house was simply devastating in Caroline's chart. Her brother would die within days of the beginning of her 19 year Saturn period.
Something very similar happens in the case of Caroline.
In studying specific areas of a chart, in this case family members, we look to
1) the house
2) its lord
3) the karaka, or significator of the person in question
Caroline has Scorpio rising, making Cancer the sign on the 9th house cusp. In South Indian astrology, the 9th house is the father (also the guru). The Moon is thus the lord of the 9th. Caroline's Moon is in Capricorn, in the 3rd house.
Unfortunately, this Moon is afflicted not only by Saturn (separation) but by Mars (violence). Jupiter does cast, however, a benefic glance onto the 3rd, but not onto the 9th.
These placements in themselves might be insufficient to kill a family member, but unfortunately the karaka for the father, the Sun, is conjoined with Saturn in the 1st.
(For what it's worth, the Moon and the Sun are afflicted by Saturn in the navamsa chart as well. If the birth time reported for her is exceedingly accurate, it also appears that the 9th lord in Navamsa, Mars, is afflicted by both Rahu and Saturn. Yikes.)
The third house in the natal chart, unfortunately, also symbolizes the younger brother. The house is strengthened by the presence of the Moon as 9th lord. This coupled with the house lord's presence in the ascendent (albeit afflicted by the Sun) would have made him a particularly prominent figure in her life. However, the 3rd house is still afflicted by the two planets that are afflicting the Moon. Finally, the karaka for brothers, Mars, is poorly positioned in the 12th house, and on top of that is afflicted by Rahu within 3 degrees orb.
The Moon's affliction in the 3rd house was simply devastating in Caroline's chart. Her brother would die within days of the beginning of her 19 year Saturn period.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Massachusetts Senate succession
Given the very tough years ahead for the Kennedy most often mentioned as a replacement, I doubt it will be him.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"In the end, every champion is an aberration"
So says's Steve Tignor, referring to Andre Agassi in this thoughtful look at the state of American tennis.
No matter how good he or she may claim to be, it is impossible to determine the level of a chart purely on the basis of a chart. If it's true that about 360,000 people are born every day , then dividing by 12, that means 30,000 people have the same chart basic natal or rasi chart as you. And, obviously, it is not the case that all of you will have the same fortunes.
Yes, subdivisional charts will narrow things down (the rising sign in the navamsa chart changes every few minutes rather than every two hours, for example). But even then, thousands are born the same day with the same rising sign in both rasi and navamsa, and they don't have the same fortune.
Who is the aberration? And who is ordinary? This was St. Augustine's criticism of astrology in the Confessions: that his friend and his servant had the same chart, yet one was the master and the other servant. That never struck me as a devastating criticism (his other criticism was more weighty): their fates, after all, were certainly tied. Nonetheless, there is no question about it: astrology alone is insufficient, not only for predictions but even counseling.
That's where intuition comes in. Sadly, it's one of many places in the practice of astrology where even intuition may not be good enough.
No matter how good he or she may claim to be, it is impossible to determine the level of a chart purely on the basis of a chart. If it's true that about 360,000 people are born every day , then dividing by 12, that means 30,000 people have the same chart basic natal or rasi chart as you. And, obviously, it is not the case that all of you will have the same fortunes.
Yes, subdivisional charts will narrow things down (the rising sign in the navamsa chart changes every few minutes rather than every two hours, for example). But even then, thousands are born the same day with the same rising sign in both rasi and navamsa, and they don't have the same fortune.
Who is the aberration? And who is ordinary? This was St. Augustine's criticism of astrology in the Confessions: that his friend and his servant had the same chart, yet one was the master and the other servant. That never struck me as a devastating criticism (his other criticism was more weighty): their fates, after all, were certainly tied. Nonetheless, there is no question about it: astrology alone is insufficient, not only for predictions but even counseling.
That's where intuition comes in. Sadly, it's one of many places in the practice of astrology where even intuition may not be good enough.
Monday, August 31, 2009
More about Ted Kennedy
Let's turn back to Kennedy's fourth house for a moment. Exalted Venus is creating a yoga, but is also afflicted by Rahu and Saturn. The fourth is traditionally responsible for several very important matters: the heart, mother, home, vehicles, etc. Why were they too, not destroyed? The answer tells us a bit about Indian astrology: lordships matter more than occupancy. Venus is indeed damaged by its association with Rahu and Saturn. But the fourth house is greatly enhanced by its presence. The lord of the 4th is exalted Jupiter in the 8th, and from this difficult house, again sees its own 4th house.
Saturn does see the house, but the 4th's relation to two exalted benefics meant a number of things: first, Rose Kennedy. Ted had that rarest of experiences: the joy of sharing life with a mother who was very dear to him, until he was well into his 70's.
Singular facts should show up in a chart. It is one of those fascinating things about astrology that the extraordinarily long life of his mother as well as the tragic deaths of his siblings, are symbolized in part by the exact same placement: exalted Venus in the 4th. Again, Venus' affliction as lord of the 11th resulted in the deaths.
Yes, there are caveats. Saturn's aspect on the house and its lord caused their problems: a delay in his education, great suffering to his mother. And indeed, even his great scandals (Saturn) would be car (4th), women (Venus) and water (Pisces) related. But Venus' natural beneficence coupled with an exalted Jupiter were otherwise hugely positive for 4th house matters. He always commanded a vehicle, had large and comfortable dwellings, loved to sail (4th sign is Pisces), and was loved by his relations. And he would ultimately finish not only his Harvard degree but a law degree at Virginia.
Again, there is so much more say about this chart. We may return to it in time.
Saturn does see the house, but the 4th's relation to two exalted benefics meant a number of things: first, Rose Kennedy. Ted had that rarest of experiences: the joy of sharing life with a mother who was very dear to him, until he was well into his 70's.
Singular facts should show up in a chart. It is one of those fascinating things about astrology that the extraordinarily long life of his mother as well as the tragic deaths of his siblings, are symbolized in part by the exact same placement: exalted Venus in the 4th. Again, Venus' affliction as lord of the 11th resulted in the deaths.
Yes, there are caveats. Saturn's aspect on the house and its lord caused their problems: a delay in his education, great suffering to his mother. And indeed, even his great scandals (Saturn) would be car (4th), women (Venus) and water (Pisces) related. But Venus' natural beneficence coupled with an exalted Jupiter were otherwise hugely positive for 4th house matters. He always commanded a vehicle, had large and comfortable dwellings, loved to sail (4th sign is Pisces), and was loved by his relations. And he would ultimately finish not only his Harvard degree but a law degree at Virginia.
Again, there is so much more say about this chart. We may return to it in time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Who will be the next Pope?
The possibilities of a vacancy are very strong between between this October and the end of 2010.
Ted Kennedy's older siblings
I have been thinking a lot about Ted Kennedy's natal chart over the last few days. I will restrict myself for now to his 11th house, related to older siblings. It would have to be, one would think, both extraordinary and horribly afflicted. Indeed, this is the case. The ruler of the house is Venus, which is exalted in the sign of Pisces in the 4th house, giving rise to Malavya Yoga (indeed, given the strength of Venus and the 3rd house, one might be forgiven for thinking this is the chart of a famous musician or actor rather than a politician).
This remarkable Venus, however, is conjoined with malefic Rahu. From the second house, Saturn in his own sign aspects not only the afflicted 11th lord Venus but the 11th.
So the lord of the 11th is afflicted by two malefics, one of which casts its eye on the house itself. It would indeed be Saturn's subperiod that would cause his oldest brother Joseph's tragic death. Transiting Saturn and Rahu would conjoin in Pisces in 1968, taking away brother Robert. The beginning of Saturn's major period in 2008 would not only kill him as expected (it is a first class maraka in his chart), but deal a final blow, the death of older sister Eunice.
Even if you leave aside the thought-provoking point that Mercury's subperiods would kill Jack and Kathleen, this 11th house is practically a textbook case in Vedic astrology.
There's a lot more to say about this chart. Too much, really. So I will save it for later posts.
This remarkable Venus, however, is conjoined with malefic Rahu. From the second house, Saturn in his own sign aspects not only the afflicted 11th lord Venus but the 11th.
So the lord of the 11th is afflicted by two malefics, one of which casts its eye on the house itself. It would indeed be Saturn's subperiod that would cause his oldest brother Joseph's tragic death. Transiting Saturn and Rahu would conjoin in Pisces in 1968, taking away brother Robert. The beginning of Saturn's major period in 2008 would not only kill him as expected (it is a first class maraka in his chart), but deal a final blow, the death of older sister Eunice.
Even if you leave aside the thought-provoking point that Mercury's subperiods would kill Jack and Kathleen, this 11th house is practically a textbook case in Vedic astrology.
There's a lot more to say about this chart. Too much, really. So I will save it for later posts.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Mister President, we have your back
John Aravosis of the estimable Americablog today notes:
What's increasingly interesting, and disturbing, is how it's looking more and more like the hate the right-wing is whipping up surrounding health care reform is quite real. Meaning, these nutjobs aren't faking it. The Republicans, FOX News, and conservative talk radio have actually convinced a vocal minority of the country that Hitler and Stalin have been reincarnated as a black fellow from Chicago. I'm not sure what this all means, but I do think it's on a path towards some serious violence. You don't wind people up to this degree against the government, and against specific political leaders - tell them that their worst nightmare has come true, that we are literally losing our nation to the equivalent of Adolf Hitler - and not have some nutjob act out violently a la Oklahoma City, or worse. I'm still rather amazed that the Democrats aren't discussing the potential for violence among the Republican masses.
Barack Obama was elected Senator during the period of Jupiter sub Venus. Jupiter, while fallen, attains neechabhanga. Venus is yogakaraka for Capricorn lagna, ruling both the 5th house of politics and the 10th of career. Last year found him in the subperiod of the exalted Moon, which is again in the 5th house ruling politics.
Here is the problem: That period ended in late March. The period that just began is that of Mars, which is with Rahu in the 8th house. Mars in the 8th is not a friendly placement for politicians. While the placement is not as inimical as John F. Kennedy's Mars in the 8th, it hardly excludes the possibility of physical harm. Bill Clinton's Mars merely ruled the 8th, and during its subperiod a plane actually crashed into the White House.
Mars, furthermore, is with malefic Rahu, which hardly improves matters. And fallen planets, even when they achieve neechabhanga, can do quite a bit of harm, particularly as rulers of difficult houses. Still worse, Saturn is transiting the 8th from natal lagna.
In short, talk radio, insurance companies and the Republican Party have fanned the eternal embers of race hate into fires. The many white supremacist groups in this country along with their militia affiliates are now activated. The President currently receives more death threats than the Secret Service is equipped to handle. You don't need to be an astrologer to see the threat. But the stars' confirmation of the danger is hardly making me sleep better at night.
If only the President hadn't released his birth certificate. At least we might have been able to temper our predictions by saying we might have the wrong data.
What's increasingly interesting, and disturbing, is how it's looking more and more like the hate the right-wing is whipping up surrounding health care reform is quite real. Meaning, these nutjobs aren't faking it. The Republicans, FOX News, and conservative talk radio have actually convinced a vocal minority of the country that Hitler and Stalin have been reincarnated as a black fellow from Chicago. I'm not sure what this all means, but I do think it's on a path towards some serious violence. You don't wind people up to this degree against the government, and against specific political leaders - tell them that their worst nightmare has come true, that we are literally losing our nation to the equivalent of Adolf Hitler - and not have some nutjob act out violently a la Oklahoma City, or worse. I'm still rather amazed that the Democrats aren't discussing the potential for violence among the Republican masses.
Barack Obama was elected Senator during the period of Jupiter sub Venus. Jupiter, while fallen, attains neechabhanga. Venus is yogakaraka for Capricorn lagna, ruling both the 5th house of politics and the 10th of career. Last year found him in the subperiod of the exalted Moon, which is again in the 5th house ruling politics.
Here is the problem: That period ended in late March. The period that just began is that of Mars, which is with Rahu in the 8th house. Mars in the 8th is not a friendly placement for politicians. While the placement is not as inimical as John F. Kennedy's Mars in the 8th, it hardly excludes the possibility of physical harm. Bill Clinton's Mars merely ruled the 8th, and during its subperiod a plane actually crashed into the White House.
Mars, furthermore, is with malefic Rahu, which hardly improves matters. And fallen planets, even when they achieve neechabhanga, can do quite a bit of harm, particularly as rulers of difficult houses. Still worse, Saturn is transiting the 8th from natal lagna.
In short, talk radio, insurance companies and the Republican Party have fanned the eternal embers of race hate into fires. The many white supremacist groups in this country along with their militia affiliates are now activated. The President currently receives more death threats than the Secret Service is equipped to handle. You don't need to be an astrologer to see the threat. But the stars' confirmation of the danger is hardly making me sleep better at night.
If only the President hadn't released his birth certificate. At least we might have been able to temper our predictions by saying we might have the wrong data.
An introduction
Although I have a long running blog on other topics, I have never written about astrology, a subject I have studied for three decades. This blog is a forum for my thoughts and predictions.
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