Thursday, October 29, 2009

Milhous Part II

The political life of Richard Nixon is unique for its collection of peaks and valleys. They would come one after another, each success greater than the last, each defeat a descent into a deeper abyss.

Our last post focused on Saturn and Venus. What we find in the last post is that Saturn in the 10th was unafflicted. But that same Saturn afflicted Venus, lord of the 10th, and was also posited in the 10th, making for a textbook case.

Unafflicted Saturn, therefore, was not the cause of disaster for him. He would save his humiliations for Venus' subperiods. And indeed, what we find is that Saturn's major period marked his arrival on the national stage. Saturn's first subperiod, its own, would take Richard Nixon to the vice presidency of the United States. After eight years in the number two job, it was his turn to run for the presidency. But he was up against the charming, charismatic, funny John F. Kennedy. The election fell under Venus' period. Small wonder, then, that he would lose.

He would suffer further humiliation in 1962, when he ran for governor of California and lost, prompting one of the most infamous outbursts in American political history.

Transiting Venus, lord of the 10th, was in the 4th on Election Day. From the 10th, Saturn was aspecting the transiting lord of the 10th. The affliction to Venus once again resulted in political humiliation, the worst of his life... up to that point.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Upcoming posts

Milhous, Part II... and why the Pope may not have much time left.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mitt Romney

His chart looks good for 2012 (though, truth be told, it didn't look bad at all for 2008, at least during primary season). No data, however, on Tim Pawlenty, his most important rival.